Montgomery Remains Healthiest County in Maryland
Montgomery County remains the healthiest county in Maryland, according to an annual ranking conducted by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin.
“The rankings show that where you live influences how well and how long you live. The local-level data make it clear that good health is influenced by many factors beyond medical care including housing, education, and jobs,” according to a statement from the foundation.
According to the state data, Montgomery has the lowest prevalence of diabetes (8 percent) of any Maryland county. Montgomery also has the fewest smokers (7 percent), fewest obese adults (21 percent), lowest prevalence of frequent mental distress (8 percent), the lowest percentage of drug overdose deaths (9 percent) and lowest rate of firearm fatalities (3 percent).
Montgomery also has the lowest health care costs of any of the state’s 24 jurisdictions, rated at $8,503. The study pulled enrollees’ Medicare reimbursements to come up with the figure. The state average is $9,328.
Child mortality in Montgomery is at 5 percent. Calvert, Carroll, Frederick, Harford and Howard have the same rate or less. Montgomery is tied with Howard County with the lowest prevalence of frequent physical distress (7 percent).
Food insecurity in Montgomery County is at 6 percent, a rate tied by Carroll County. The motor vehicle mortality rate is 5 percent in Montgomery County, a rate tied by Howard County.
Thirty-two percent of the county gets insufficient sleep, which is a rate equal or bested by Caroline, Carroll, Garrett, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Washington and Worcester counties.
Ten percent of Montgomery is uninsured. Only Prince George’s and Somerset counties have higher rates. Four percent of children are uninsured. Caroline, Garrett, Kent, Prince George’s, Talbot, Wicomico and Worcester have higher rates.
The data can be seen here.
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