Montgomery Parks Hosts Touch-a-Truck Event in Rockville

Whether they were climbing into the cab of a backhoe, riding in a bucket truck or turning a police cruiser lights on children of all ages had the chance to explore and learn about the trucks that help upkeep Montgomery County’s urban parks.

The county’s first Touch-a-Truck event was held on April 10 at the Wall Park in Rockville. It was hosted by Montgomery Parks and had approximately 15 trucks among them excavators, bobcat, gator truck, ATV and more.

Montgomery County Park Police was also there with a cruiser, horse, and a motorcycle.

According to park officials, the agency has hosted events to engage with the community but this was the “first” where trucks, park police, and climbers were in one place to raise awareness on what it takes to maintain green spaces in our community.

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Aline Barros

About Aline Barros

Aline Barros is a multimedia reporter and community engagement specialist with Montgomery Community Media. She can be reached at and on Twitter at @AlineBarros2.


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