Montgomery County Schools Looking for Backpack Donations

MCPS Give Back packsMontgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) is looking for more donations to provide backpacks filled with school supplies for students in need.

The backpacks will be distributed at the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year. According to MCPS, more than 54,000 students receive free and reduced-price meals, an indicator of need, and many families struggle to afford school supplies.

MCPS says it has raised almost $150,000 which will provide more than 17,600 backpacks to students in 76 schools as part of their Give Back Packs campaign.

The school system is  looking for more help with this year’s campaign. MCPS has received large donations from the Educational Systems Federal Credit Union ($25,000), Kits for Kidz ($25,000), CNSI ($6,500), Cliff and Deborah White Family Fund ($6,500), and Community Foundation for the National Capital Region ($6,500).

The school system says a $10 donation will provide for one backpack filled with school supplies, $300 would provide backpacks for a class, $1,500 would provide backpacks for a grade, $6,500 would provide backpacks for a school and $25,000 would provide backpacks for a school cluster. Donations of all sizes are welcome.

For more information and to donate, visit MCPS Give Back Packs webpage or call 301.279.3100.

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