Montgomery County Joins Global Climate Leadership Coalition

Montgomery County is partnering with cities, states and countries from across the world to address climate change.

The county has signed the Under2 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), a commitment by governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions towards net-zero by 2050, according to a news release.

“Now, more than ever, jurisdictions need to redouble their efforts to address climate change,” Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett said in a statement. “We have many forward-thinking and concerned residents and businesses in Montgomery County who understand the urgency of this issue. We are proud to join the growing international coalition seeking to reduce the risks to the environment and the economy from climate change.”

Signing the Under2 MOU also means that county leaders agrees to work collaboratively with other coalition members in their reduction efforts which could include partnering on projects, sharing best practices and outreach efforts.

For more information on the Under2 Coalition, click here. 

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