Montgomery County Green Bank to Help Local Energy Efficiency Investment
The Montgomery County Green Bank is one of only a dozen or so green banks of any kind in the nation.
At a ribbon cutting ceremony at the Glascock Building in Bethesda recently, County Executive Marc Elrich and new Council Vice President Tom Hucker explained one of the ways the County is addressing climate change through energy efficiency.
Thank you @Marc_Elrich, @amfriedson, & @tomhucker for your support of the new project that will reduce carbon emissions at our chapter's office building and also for your leadership on tackling climate change. We are so thankful to all partners! @AmFisheriesSoc @MCGreenBank
— The Nature Conservancy in MD/DC (@Nature_DCMDVA) December 13, 2019
Just another “Climate Change” scam to waste county taxpayers money , nothing more, nothing less. .. This just shows how ignorant the MOCO council is and why the taxes & costs are so high in MOCO.