Montgomery County Declares Snow Emergency

MoCo Snow plows for slider 450x280UPDATED A snow emergency is in effect for Montgomery County and officials are urging residents to stay off the roads unless absolutely necessary.

A Snow Emergency Declaration means that parking is prohibited along routes signed and marked as a “Snow Emergency Route.” Vehicles parked on emergency routes will be ticketed and towed. During a Snow Emergency, vehicles on the road must have all-weather or snow tires or chains. Residents are asked to move vehicles off-street if at all possible so snowplows can remove snow more efficiently. Taxicabs operating in Montgomery County during declared snow emergencies are allowed to charge $2.50 extra per trip.

Free Parking in County-Owned Lots and Garages
All County parking lots and garages are offering free parking.

311 Call Center to Open at 10 p.m. and Remain Open All Night
Residents can report issues associated with the storm, such as downed trees, by calling 311 or 240.777.0311, or visiting the website at TTY number is 301.251.4850.

Follow Snow Plow Progress
An online map of Montgomery County indicates the progress of snowplows in clearing roads. Plows first clear emergency routes, Ride On bus routes, and main roads. Only once the snow ends and major roads are passable do plows begin clearing operations in neighborhoods. With the sub-freezing temperatures and amount of snow and ice anticipated from the impending storm, it may take crews about 60 hours to complete plowing.

Crews clear major roads to bare pavement. Neighborhood streets are made passable. Numbered roads are State roads and are cleared by the Maryland State Highway Administration.

Sign Up for Alert Montgomery; Follow County on Social Media

The best way for residents to receive timely severe weather and emergency notifications directly to cell phones and/or email addresses is from Alert Montgomery at

The latest information about closings, delays and other snow-related updates is also available on the County’s website at Or, follow the County on Facebook or Twitter using #mocostorm.

Power Outages or Water Issues
In case of power outages or water issues, contact:
*BG&E 877.778.2222
*First Energy/Potomac Edison 1.888.544.4877
*PEPCO 1.877.737.2662
• WSSC 301.206.4002 or

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