Montgomery College Will Host Forum With Board of Education Candidates

Montgomery College will host a live forum with the Montgomery County Board of Education candidates Thursday, Oct. 22, at 6:30 p.m.

Shebra Evans (District 4 candidate), Steve Solomon (District 4 candidate), Sunil Dasgupta (At large candidate), Lynne Harris (At large candidate), Michael Fryar (District 2 candidate) and Rebecca Smondrowski (District 2 candidate) will all take part.


Viewers will have the opportunity to ask questions to the candidates.

County voters will elect three members for the Board of Education; one for the at-large, one for the District 2 and one for the District 4 seats. Smondrowski is the incumbent for District 2, and Evans is the incumbent for District 4. Jeannette Dixon, the incumbent for the at-large seat, did not run for a second term.

MyMCMedia has been covering the 2020 general election. You can find more information about each candidate in the #MoCoVotesMCM 2020 General Election page.

Related Post:

#MoCoVotesMCM 2020 General Election


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About Clara Longo de Freitas

Clara Longo de Freitas is a junior at the University of Maryland, majoring in Journalism and Spanish. Besides an intern with Montgomery Community Media, she is also a staff writer for The Diamondback and an avid illustrator. She can be reached at


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