Montgomery College Students Travel to Annapolis for Student Advocacy Day (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

Hundreds of college students from across the state traveled to Annapolis on Wednesday for Student Advocacy Day. The Maryland Association of Community Colleges (MACC), coordinated the event which, encourages students to challenge lawmakers on issues such as funding and tuition.  The event took place in the Miller Senate Office Building which is located on 11 Bladen Street in Annapolis.

Bernard Sadusky is the Executive Director of MACC which advocates on behalf of community colleges in Maryland.

PHOTO | Montgomery College

PHOTO | Montgomery College

“Community colleges are the largest workforce educator in the state,” said Sadusky, “Strong state funding is critical to our mission of preparing Maryland’s workforce for the skilled jobs of the future.”

Montgomery College was represented by 15 students from campuses across the County. Students had the opportunity to meet with State Senators Roger Manno, Jamie Raskin and Craig Zucker, as well as Delegate William Smith. Key topics for conversations that took place with lawmakers include affordable tuition and high quality classrooms and labs.

DeRionne Pollard is the President of Montgomery College and attended the meetings in Annapolis along with students.

“Our students are the best representation and reflection of what we do as a community college. What I think that is pretty remarkable about this is that we have students who choose to come up to Annapolis and talk about their stories and to share the impact that Montgomery College has on them and their lives,” Pollard said.

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Willie James Inman

About Willie James Inman

Willie James Inman is a Community Engagement Specialist and Multimedia Journalist at Montgomery Community Media (MCM). You can email story ideas at or reach him on Twitter @imwilljames.


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