Montgomery College Seeks Applicants for Board of Trustees
The Montgomery College Board of Trustees (MCBOT) nominating committee is seeking applicants to fill a vacancy on the Board of Trustees.
According to a news release, the vacancy is a full six-year term appointment effective July 1, 2016 and applications are due in by Oct. 22.
The BOT is the governance body for Montgomery College. The Board serves over 60,000 credit and non-credit students annually on three campuses in Germantown, Rockville, and Takoma Park/Silver Spring; a Workforce Development and Continuing Education unit; training centers in Gaithersburg and Wheaton; a central services unit; and other off campus sites.
Members are appointed by the governor of Maryland, upon the recommendation of a five-person nominating committee of local residents who are not currently serving Montgomery College in any official capacity. With the exception of the student board member, the governor’s appointments are subject to Maryland State Senate confirmation.
Persons who wish to be considered for these vacancies may not be employed by Montgomery College in any capacity. Applicants must attend a one-hour information session at Montgomery College before being interviewed by the nominating committee. Each trustee typically devotes in excess of 200 hours per year as a board member and receives no compensation.
The letter of intent, resume, and other materials, including a telephone number and email address, must be sent to Fred Evans at fredevans1970@gmail.com. The deadline for submission is October 22nd.
Additional information about the nominating process is available by calling Evans at 301.706.3993 or Arlean Graham, in the MCBOT office, at 240.567.7120.
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