Police to Train 80 Officers in Use of Life-Saving Heroin Overdose Drug

As suspected heroin overdoses reach what is being called “epidemic proportions,” Montgomery County Police are getting training in the use of a drug that could be life-saving for some.

Narcan is a drug that counters the effects of opioid (such as heroin) overdose. Officers administer the drug by spraying it in a person’s nostrils.

In 2014, Montgomery County detectives investigated 25 heroin-related overdose deaths.

In late January 27 officers got trained on the use of Narcan by the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services, and another a 50 are expected to be trained by April. Training includes knowing the signs and symptoms of a heroin overdose. Training offers then carry Narcan in their vehicles, according to Cpl. Rebecca Innocenti.


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Krista Brick

About Krista Brick

Krista Brick is a multi-media journalist with Montgomery Community Media.


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