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MoCo Council Committees Meet on Feb. 14

The Montgomery County Council’s Health and Human Services Committee and its Government Operations and Fiscal Policy Committee (GO) will meet jointly at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 14, for a worksession on wellness and disease management programs for employees of county agencies. The worksession is a continuation of the joint committee’s ongoing efforts to improve employee wellness in the county and within bi-county agencies

The Health and Human Services Committee, which is chaired by George Leventhal and includes Councilmembers Nancy Navarro and Craig Rice, and the GO Committee, which is chaired by Council President Navarro and includes Councilmembers Valerie Ervin and Hans Riemer, will meet in the Seventh Floor Hearing Room of the Council Office Building at 100 Maryland Ave. in Rockville. The meeting will be televised live by County Cable Montgomery (CCM—Cable Channel 6 on Comcast and RCN, Channel 30 on Verizon). The broadcast will be available via streaming through the County web site at

In March of 2012, the Council approved a resolution requesting development of an executive-level report that would provide information across all agencies on the major health issues for all enrolled members, top categories for spending on health claims and trends that will show whether health risk measures are improving or declining.

The Council’s request was in direct response to a report by the Task Force on Employee Wellness that suggested the buying power of the combined agencies could produce leverage when procuring group health services both in terms of costs and in requiring improved quality and health outcomes.

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