Mikulski Talks Immigration Reform During a Visit at Montgomery College (VIDEO)
Sen. Barbara Mikulski visited Montgomery College Takoma Park Silver Spring campus on Aug.11 where she announced a $1 million grant to Montgomery College to provide support services to first-year students.
When asked about students who are not only first generation to attend college, but are also DACA recipients, the Maryland senator said she believes in comprehensive immigration reform and that Congress must pass the Dream Act.
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is an executive order signed by President Barack Obama in 2012 that allows eligible undocumented young people to have work permit and protects from deportation for two years. It does not give a path to citizenship.
Juez Federal Falla en Contra de DACA, Prohíbe la Aprobación de Nuevas Solicitudes

El viernes, un juez federal de Texas falló en contra del programa de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA, por sus siglas en inglés). El juez, Andrew Hanen, dijo en un documento de 77 páginas que el programa es ilegal y le ordenó al Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS, por sus siglas […]
DACA Webinar Offers Important Information, Resources for Students

Montgomery County Public Schools, Montgomery College, and CASA invite students and community members to an information session about applying for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status on Wednesday, April 14 at 7 p.m. The webinar will explain how to obtain DACA and what the process is like for a high school or college […]
MCPS, Montgomery College y CASA se unen para Brindar Información sobre DACA

Las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Montgomery (MCPS) Montgomery College y CASA invitan a los estudiantes y miembros de la comunidad a una sesión informativa sobre cómo solicitar el estatus de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA), el miércoles 14 de abril a las 7 p.m. El seminario virtual explicará cómo obtener […]
¿Qué tan Viable es la Reforma Migratoria Presentada por Biden?

El mismo día de la Inauguración presidencial, el miércoles 20 de enero, el presidente electo Joe Biden presentó un amplio proyecto de ley para legalizar a los más de 11 millones de inmigrantes que no tienen documentos de estadía legal en Estados Unidos. El “Acta de ciudadanía de 2021” nombre que se le dio al […]
Este Jueves Habrá una Charla con el Senador Van Hollen Sobre TPS y DACA

UndocuBlack Network en asociación con organizaciones de derechos civiles e inmigrantes junto con sus miembros de TPS y DACA están organizando una charla con el senador Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) el jueves 24 de septiembre de 2020. Según el comunicado de CASA, la charla comenzará a las 2:30 p.m. El senador hablará con algunos de […]
Montgomery College Grad Calls DACA Ruling 'A Huge Victory'

Montgomery College alumni Luz Chavez called today’s U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling that blocked the Trump Administration from dismantling a program that continues to allow her to stay in this country “a huge victory.” The Obama-era program has protected about 700,000 young people who graduated from high school or were honorably discharged from the military from […]
Victoria para Jóvenes 'Soñadores' Protegidos Bajo el Programa DACA

Este jueves la Corte Suprema de Justicia de los Estados Unidos dio victoria al programa Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA, por sus siglas en inglés). Con 5 votos a favor y 4 en contra los magistrados decidieron rechazar la demanda del gobierno del Presidente Donald Trump de terminar con dicho programa […]
A Dialogue with Montgomery County Police: World Elder Abuse Awareness; DACA Changes

On this episode of Dialagondo, host Blanca Kling discusses World Elder Abuse Awareness Day events in June and, on the second half of the show, the changes in DACA. Her guest on the first half of the show is Dina Rivera Asistente Legal with Fiscalia de Condado de Montgomery. On the second half of the […]
Riemer Holds First Meet with Media (Video)

Council President Hans Riemer holds his first meeting with the media, discussing historic buildings serving a bed-n-breakfasts, new regulations for breweries in urban areas, a resolution asking Congress to extend the DACA and TPS programs, and fiscal issues arising from a shortfall in income tax revenues.
Riemer, Gutierrez Arrested Outside Capitol in Protest Supporting Immigrants

Two Montgomery County lawmakers — Council President Hans Riemer and Del. Ana Sol Gutierrez — were arrested Wednesday at a protest at the U.S. Capitol calling for protections for undocumented immigrants. Riemer called the event “a powerful experience.” “I really felt like it was important to stand up and be counted and be heard. We […]
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