Mid-Atlantic Jazz Festival (PHOTOS)

jazz2The Mid-Atlantic Jazz Festival is going on this weekend (Feb. 14-17) in Rockville.

Below are some photos of a few of the performances, including Chad Carter, Janine Gilbert-Carter, and the United States Air Force’s Airmen of Note.

For more info: http://www.midatlanticjazzfestival.org/

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2 Responses to “Mid-Atlantic Jazz Festival (PHOTOS)”

  1. Avatar
    On February 21, 2014 at 12:12 pm responded with... #

    Thank you very much for capturing photos from my concert at the 2014 Mid-Atlantic Jazz Festival. I had an amazing time and hope you did also.

  2. Avatar
    On March 9, 2014 at 10:15 pm responded with... #

    Thank you for covering the Mid-Atlantic Jazz Festival! The Carrs work so hard to put on a wonderful jazz festival every year and the festival needs all the support it can get. I’d like to personally thank the photographer as well for the wonderful shots of the shows! It would be nice to know the photographer’s name to give them credit for taking the photos! Thanks again!

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