Merit System Protection Board Applicants Wanted
The Montgomery County Council has extended the deadline for qualified voters of the County to submit applications for appointment to a three-year term on the Merit System Protection Board. Generally, the board is expected to oversee the Merit System and to protect employee and applicant rights guaranteed under the County Merit System.
The extended deadline allows applications to be submitted to the Council office by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 15.
The final term of board member Rodella Berry (Democrat) will expire in December 2013; she is not eligible for reappointment. The other board members are Raul Chavera (unaffiliated) and Julie Martin-Korb (unaffiliated).
By law, no more than two of the three members of the Merit System Protection Board may be of the same political party. The appointee for this position may be a Democrat, a Republican, a voter who declines to affiliate with a party or a voter who is a member of another party officially recognized by the Board of Elections.
There are two methods in which the board processes appeals:
• A written decision issued after a review and discussion of a written record.
• A written decision issued after a pre-hearing conference and a formal hearing in cases involving a suspension, demotion or dismissal.
The board, on a periodic basis, conducts special studies, audits or inquiries of the administration of the merit and retirement pay systems and, in this effort, may compel the attendance of witnesses. Written reports of its findings and recommendations are filed with the County Executive and the County Council. The board also provides comments on any proposed changes in Merit System law or regulations.
The board holds hearings during the day, which can take the full day, with any additional proceedings scheduled for subsequent evening(s). Also, the board normally meets for approximately an hour in the evening once or twice every month. Additional time is also required for preparatory work.
Members of the board receive $7,700 per year, which is adjusted annually to reflect 50 percent of the percentage change in the Washington Area Consumer Price Index.
Board members are restricted in political activity while serving. Section 403 of the County Charter states in part “No member shall hold political office or participate in any campaign for any political or public office during the member’s term of office.” Members of County boards, committees and commissions may not serve on more than one such group at a time.
Applicants should submit letters of interest with a resume to: Council President, Montgomery County Council, 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland 20850 by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2014. Applications also can be submitted via email to:
county.council@montgomerycountymd.gov .
Resumes should include professional and civic experience, political party affiliation, home and office telephone numbers and an email address. Letters and resumes submitted are made public as part of the appointment process. A financial statement of assets, debts, income and family property interests will be required of all applicants. Only the appointed candidates will be required to make the financial statement available to the public.
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