Meet Marian Merewitz (Photos)
At the Monty awards ceremony last month, MCM Board member Marian Merewitz was presented the Bill Randolph award for the most technician hours on some of the station’s local shows. I recently asked Marian a few questions about her volunteer service at MCM and her life outside our television studios.
How long have you been a volunteer at MCM? “I’ve been a volunteer since about 1990.”
What spurred your interest? “I was doing my college internship with Ruth DeVoe. She was working on her cooking show and asked if I wanted to help. I started helping her every month for a few years. We had such a great group of people and had so much fun with that show that I got hooked. I wasn’t certified yet so when Ruth wanted to go on vacation nobody would let me, produce without her until I went through all of the classes. At that time I was told that I needed to take all of the classes before I could take the Producer class so I did.”
Tell me about your volunteer work. What exactly do you do and how often are you in the TV station? “I am usually in the building at least once a week. I’m usually there for a Board meeting, editing, shooting or working on a production.”
What do you like best about being a volunteer? “The friendships and teamwork. It’s like a team sport. Without everyone working together it wouldn’t get done and when the production is finished you have something to show for your effort. I’d like to think that the programs also provide a service to our County residents. We can feel like each of us is making a positive difference in the lives of the people around us. A win-win for everyone.”
Is it true that you met your husband at MCM too? Would love any details you can share! “Sorry to say, I did not meet Larry at MCM. When I was doing my internship and helping Ruth I didn’t even want him to come at first. I was so nervous to have anyone watch me, especially him. I got him to come and help gradually and even got him on one show demonstrating his knife sharpening skills. We did get married just after the studio technician class though. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to wear my wedding gown or finish the class because I broke my arm not long after the class started. Luckily it was my left arm but doing audio with my arm in a full cast to the shoulder has had a lasting bad impression in my mind and you will rarely, if ever find me doing anything more with audio but tone. My final fitting for my wedding dress was done with the cast still on but I passed the class and we got married. The rest is history. :)”
How long have you been married to Larry? “You’ll have to ask Larry about that.” [We did ask Larry and he told us they have known each other for 22 years and been married for 16 years.]
Do you have any children or pets? “We have four fabulous grandchildren but Larry won’t let us get any pets. He’s right because we’re not home enough.”
What did your recent award mean to you? Were you surprised? How did Larry keep that a secret? “I was totally shocked! I was trying to figure out who Don was talking about when I was standing there. The award is really about all of us working together. It is certainly not about me. None of us can do this without each other. There are certain areas that Larry and I know we just can’t talk about with each other so with this topic I just don’t ask. I don’t want to put him in an awkward position where he would feel like he’s keeping a secret and he does the same with me. What’s really funny is that I had to do the same when he won.”
How often do you shoot the Pet of the Week? What does it entail? Where does the spot air? How do you determine the pets to be included in each segment? Do you shoot it and produce it and edit it? “I shoot Pet once a month at the Humane Society with Kathi Stanhope. I try to rope Larry in to help shoot b-roll. I can usually drag him, kicking and screaming to help me shoot. I think Dee would love to come but it’s usually the night she’s taping Law School. We have a regular date now so BJ Altshul, Kathi and I all know. I take two cameras and a mic. Kathi, BJ Altshul and I discuss the tips and Pets for the current and upcoming month at each shoot. BJ makes the final determination which pets are going to be available to shoot. I bring two cameras and a mic. I do the capturing and editing myself. The program airs weekly on County Report This Week.”
Anything you want to share about volunteering at MCM? What should others know about the opportunities within the walls here? “MCM is a wonderful place to volunteer. The teamwork, friendships and opportunities to help the community and make a difference are such a worthwhile way to spend your time.”
Finally, what is your day job? “I work for the API in Washington and commute 1 1/2 hrs. each way to work. I work with people around the world. My boss just took off for China while a co-worker took off for Houston. Two weeks ago, it was India and Los Angeles.”
Below you will find a few photos of Marian as she receives a Monty from executive director Merlyn Reineke, a photo of her husband Larry, and some candid shots of her with other dedicated volunteers in the community.
We are so lucky to have Marian. She is such an inspiration. Thank you