MD Democratic Party Chair Statement

“Today, voters in Maryland sent a very important message: We want to keep moving forward with President Barack Obama and Senator Ben Cardin.

“Senator Ben Cardin ran a principled campaign and Maryland voters have noticed. Senator Cardin is a leader who will continue to stand up for Democratic principles but has a track record of finding common ground on the important issues facing our nation.

“Voters in the 6th Congressional District of Maryland also resoundingly voted for change and will send John Delaney to the 113th Congress. Congressman-elect Delaney will be a hardworking, pragmatic and effective representative who will join other Maryland Democrats in fighting to create new jobs, broaden opportunity and strengthen the middle class.

“We’ve made real progress over the last four years but we remember that there is still more of work to do. Here in Maryland, President Obama can count on Senator Barbara Mikulski, Senator Ben Cardin, Congressman Steny Hoyer, Congressman Chris Van Hollen, Congressman Elijah Cummings, Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger, Congressman John Sarbanes, Congresswoman Donna Edwards and Congressman-elect John Delaney.

The Maryland coordinated campaign recruited a record number of volunteers this election cycle. Our volunteers made 5.0 million phone calls in Maryland and Virginia combined; more than double the calls made in 2008. As we celebrate tonight’s victory we want to thank each and every person who helped us by canvassing, phone-banking, and working at the polls here in Maryland and in Virginia. These volunteers have been a critical part of tonight’s success and we know that we would not be celebrating tonight if not for them.”


Yvette Lewis

MD Democratic Party Chair

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