MCPS Planning Ahead for 2020-2021 School Year
Montgomery County Public Schools’ staff is drawing up numerous plans for the upcoming 2020-2021 school year, noted Deputy Superintendent Monifa McKnight during a Q and A with students on May 20.
“There are continued discussions around that and will be,” she told Nate Tinbite, the student member of the Board of Education, during the half-hour video call.
Some of the plans include continuing with virtual on-line learning and creating classrooms with smaller groups of students. MCPS also is working out how to shut down one or two schools if students return to their classes but then another outbreak of the novel coronavirus occurs, but only in one area, she said.
“We are planning every possible circumstance,” she said.
McKnight also told students they should finish their projects from the third quarter by May 29 if they want to remove an incomplete grade from the third marking period.
The deadline for seniors to hand in third period work has passed, she said, adding that anyone with an incomplete may take classes in the summer, which will be virtual.
McKnight also discussed the district’s food program and excitedly announced that as of Tuesday, 2,023,091 grab and go meals had been distributed (sometimes there are two meals – breakfast and lunch – in a bag). She called that “a number to be proud of.”
She urged all students to “please engage” and fill out all surveys MCPS sends out so it can better plan upcoming classes, grades and graduation ceremonies.
“We can plan all day, but nothing replaces your perspectives and your priorities,” she said.
“You guys have been amazing and I’ll tell you, you are the best part of our work.”
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