MCPS Hires Firm for Review of Special Education Programs
The Montgomery County Board of Education has contracted with WestEd, a national research and service nonprofit organization, to conduct an independent review of Montgomery County Public Schools’ (MCPS) special education processes and services.
The goal of the study is to better understand the experiences of students and their families related to Individualized Education Program (IEP) development, implementation, and dispute resolution. The study will include site visits to learn about special education instruction at a number of MCPS schools, and will benchmark best practices in other school districts. Findings from the study will be used to make recommendations for improvement to MCPS programs.
MCPS parents/guardians will be offered multiple opportunities over the next several months to provide feedback on the district’s special education services. This will include listening sessions, focus groups and surveys.
The listening sessions, hosted by the MCPS Special Education Advisory Committee and the Special Education Committee of the Montgomery County Council of PTAs, will take place on:
-Thursday, January 22: Rock Terrace School, 390 Martins Lane in Rockville
-Wednesday, January 28: John F. Kennedy High School, 1901 Randolph Road in Silver Spring
Both listening sessions will be held from 7–9 p.m. Free child care and interpretation services will be provided.
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