MCM Wins National Excellence Award

For the second year in a row, Montgomery Community Media has won the overall excellence award in Public, Education, Government (PEG) access programming (over 650,000 category) from the Alliance for Community Media (ACM).

“Winning for overall excellence is like no other community media award,” said Merlyn Reineke, executive director of MCM. “Literally every aspect of your organization has to be performing exceptional work: TV channels, classes, volunteers, fundraising, web platform, technology … The list goes on. It may be a cliché to say that winning an award is a team effort, but for the overall excellence category, that’s exactly what it is.”

So what is the organization’s secret for back-to-back wins?

“Our secret of success is the continuing support we get from the County Council and Cable office,” said Eric Eggleton, content director of MCM.

In addition to the Overall Excellence Award, MCM’s Mike Richman, a volunteer producer, received an ACM award for Best Sports Coverage for his show Burgundy & Gold Magazine. County Cable Montgomery (CCM) also won an Access Center Professional award in the category of news for County Report This Week (episode 140).

The awards will be presented at the Hometown Media Awards Gala on May 30 in conjunction with the ACM Annual Conference and Exhibition in San Francisco, CA.

You can view a complete list of winners here:

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