photo Maryland State Police badge

Maryland Police Reminder: “See Something, Say Something”

photo Maryland State Police badgeAlthough there is no known threat to Maryland, state officials are reminding residents that they have an important role  in helping to keep our state safe by reporting to police suspicious situations or circumstances that could be related to crime or possible acts of terrorism.

“Maryland law enforcement agencies need the active involvement of citizens to help us prevent violent crime or acts of terrorism,” Maryland State Police Superintendent William Pallozzi said. “If you observe a person, object, or situation that is out of the ordinary, unusual, or suspicious, do not hesitate to call us at 1.800.492.TIPS. Police officers are standing by at the Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center to review the information and forward it to the appropriate law enforcement agency for follow up.”

As a reminder, police said state highway signs will be carrying the message “See Something, Say Something, Call 1-800-492-TIPS.”

According to a Maryland State Police news release, police resources are working around the clock to keep the state safe and officers are standing by to act on information about suspicious circumstances. Marylanders are reminded to stay vigilant and avoid the tendency to ignore what could be information vital to law enforcement efforts to prevent a crime or terrorist act.

In the event of an emergency, people should always call 9-1-1.

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