Maryland Attorney General Launches Hotline to Report Hate Crimes
Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh announced that his office launched a hotline to report hate crimes in Maryland, on Thursday.
Read his full statement about the hotline, below:
“Over the last week, reports of hate incidents directed at racial and ethnic minorities, Muslims, Jews, women, immigrants, and the LGBT community have increased. Sadly, Maryland is not immune to this outbreak, and it is important to remember that our laws prohibit this kind of conduct and provide protection from it.
“Persons engaging in conduct motivated by a victim’s race, color, national origin, gender,
gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, disability or homeless status, risk civil liability or criminal prosecution under Maryland’s civil rights and hate crimes statutes. Students engaging in bullying, harassment and intimidation in grades K-12 or at institutions of higher education could be subject to disciplinary action under the student code of conduct for the local school system, college or university. Discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace, as well as cyberbullying and intimidation online, are also prohibited by state law.
“As Attorney General, I am committed to working with local law enforcement, state and county
governments, our local school systems, higher education systems, and communities to enforce
these laws. I urge anyone who believes they have been a victim of unlawful harassment or
intimidation to first notify local law enforcement, the Maryland Commission on Civil Rights
(“MCCR”) or your local human rights agency. My office has also established a hotline to report
these incidents and make referrals to local law enforcement for further investigation when
appropriate. The number is 1.866-481.8361. Complaints of student harassment or bullying
should be made directly to the school, college or university.
“I believe the current state of affairs presents not only a challenge, but an opportunity.
Neighborhood by neighborhood, we can declare that justice, fairness and tolerance are not
partisan principles, but keystones of America’s character.”
For more information about Hate Crime laws and resources in your area, visit the Maryland Commission on Civil Rights website. To report a crime or if you fear for your safety, contact local law enforcement and call 911 in an emergency.
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