Marilyn J. Praisner Library to Close for Renovations April 13

The Marilyn J. Praisner Library in Burtonsville will close on Saturday, April 13 at 6 p.m. for approximately four to six months for renovations.

“Physical construction for the refresh project at Praisner will begin in May, but we are closing ahead of the construction start date to complete the internal reorganization of collections and shelving. While the branch is closed, we will also provide book hold lockers and a book drop at the adjacent Marilyn J. Praisner Community Center,” said Acting Library Director Anita Vassallo.  “We look forward to welcoming the customers back to their branch this fall and hope they will visit nearby branches and our 24/7 website while their facility is undergoing the refresh process.”

Customers are reminded that during this closure they may use other nearby branches, such as White Oak Long BranchOlney, and Wheaton Interim libraries, or any branch that may be convenient. Branch hours and locations can be found at:

Information regarding the closing, including the last date for book returns in the branch book drop and the last date for placement of holds from the Marilyn J. Praisner location is updated on the website.

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