Marc Elrich on Minimum Wage and Affordable Housing (VIDEO)
In this MyMCMedia extra, Montgomery County Councilmember Marc Elrich talks about what he would like to do when it comes to minimum wage and affordable housing if he is reelected to the County Council on Nov. 4.
Elrich participated in an at-large candidates forum at MCM on Oct. 13. You can watch the forum in its entirety here.
Marc Elrich on Minimum Wage and Affordable Housing (VIDEO)

In this MyMCMedia extra, Montgomery County Councilmember Marc Elrich talks about what he would like to do when it comes to minimum wage and affordable housing if he is reelected to the County Council on Nov. 4. Elrich participated in an at-large candidates forum at MCM on Oct. 13. You can watch the forum in […]
Marc Elrich on Taxes in Montgomery County (VIDEO)

In this MyMCMedia extra, County Council at-large candidate Marc Elrich, a democrat, talks about taxes and says he believes developers need to pay taxes for infrastructure in Montgomery County. Take a look: Elrich and the other candidates running for the at large County Council seats participated in a candidates forum at MCM on Oct. 13. […]
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