Local Politicians React to the Weekend’s Mass Shootings
Montgomery County’s congressional leaders turned to Twitter to express their reactions to the mass shootings in Gilroy, California, El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio.
“We cannot allow ourselves to reach the point where horror does not horrify. We must stand up to hate and domestic terrorists. Those who refuse to take action to stop the carnage are complicit. Inaction kills,” wrote Sen. Chris Van Hollen of Kensington in a tweet.
We cannot allow ourselves to reach the point where horror does not horrify. We must stand up to hate and domestic terrorists. Those who refuse to take action to stop the carnage are complicit. Inaction kills.
— Senator Chris Van Hollen (@ChrisVanHollen) August 4, 2019
Rep. Jamie Raskin of Takoma Park used his tweets to urge Senate Majority Leader to allow gun bills from the House to get a vote in the Senate.
“However he wants to vote personally, McConnell must bring the universal background check to the Senate floor for a vote. #EnoughisEnough,” Raskin tweeted.
Here’s Councilmember Will Jawando on the attacks:
In the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre, the General Assembly passed, and Gov. Martin O’Malley signed the Maryland Firearm Safety Act of 2013 which expanded firearms regulations. It also included provisions which prohibited certain people with mental illnesses from owning a firearm.
In 2018, lawmakers prohibited “bump stocks,” which can accelerate how quickly a trigger is pressed in a semi-automatic weapon. The same year, lawmakers passed a “red flag” bill in which a person can file in District Court that someone owns a firearm and poses a credible danger.
Here are Sen. Benjamin Cardin’s tweets:
Democrats have introduced common-sense gun safety measures that could make a real difference. These are only a few of the steps that we're ready to take to stop violence, to help save lives.
@Senatemajldr, inaction is not an option. Bring our bills to the floor. #EnoughIsEnough. pic.twitter.com/O0JOvDpJ8B
— Senator Ben Cardin (@SenatorCardin) August 5, 2019
We mourn for Dayton and El Paso. We mourn for those who will be next until Republicans comprehend the time to act has long passed. Daily and terrorist shootings are a public health epidemic. People are dying. We cannot save every life but we can and must save as many as possible. https://t.co/5a59wh4Zy6
— Senator Ben Cardin (@SenatorCardin) August 4, 2019
Doing nothing but sharing thoughts and prayers is costing lives. Congress continues to languish in inaction as Senate Republicans refuse to take action on gun violence. We must finally #DoSomething #ElPaso
— Senator Ben Cardin (@SenatorCardin) August 4, 2019
Here are Rep. Jamie Raskin’s tweets:
We send love, sympathy and solidarity to the people of Dayton, the latest victims of a reign of gun terror across the land. #EnoughisEnough https://t.co/UkrMEhi4Y8
— Rep. Jamie Raskin (@RepRaskin) August 4, 2019
However he wants to vote personally, McConnell must bring the universal background check to the Senate floor for a vote. #EnoughisEnough
— Rep. Jamie Raskin (@RepRaskin) August 4, 2019
Enough. Politicians must act with an at least minimal degree of social responsibility. And the people must overcome the power of the NRA to restore the first principles of the American social contract.
— Rep. Jamie Raskin (@RepRaskin) August 4, 2019
There are unstable individuals, loaded up on hate, who think they are in a “race war” against the diverse communities of the American people, and the GOP (Guns Over People party) does nothing to stop them or remove their weapons of mass slaughter.
— Rep. Jamie Raskin (@RepRaskin) August 4, 2019
The dangerous firearms permissiveness of the GOP, which is soaked with gun manufacturer & NRA-money, has created the conditions for white nationalist racists to terrorize our population & assassinate our people in public places.
— Rep. Jamie Raskin (@RepRaskin) August 4, 2019
We need to give ATF real authority to inspect gun dealers on an unannounced basis and we should reinstate the ban on the sale of military-style assault weapons, which are weapons of warfare.
— Rep. Jamie Raskin (@RepRaskin) August 4, 2019
America needs a universal criminal and mental background check on all gun purchases, which means listening to the 9 out of 10 Americans who want to close the private gun-show and Internet sales loopholes. We need to close the Charleston loophole.
— Rep. Jamie Raskin (@RepRaskin) August 4, 2019
Within 13 hours the twin evils of racist white nationalism & nihilistic gun violence have destroyed dozens of American lives, obliterated hope for hundreds of families, traumatized millions & forced the nation to demand answers from cynical NRA-controlled political leaders.
— Rep. Jamie Raskin (@RepRaskin) August 4, 2019
We must end the plague of gun violence now enabled by Mitch McConnell’s obstructionism. Mitch, the universal background check we passed in the House is sitting in a big pile of bills on your desk. Pull it out and give it a floor vote to stop more massacres. #EndGunViolence
— Rep. Jamie Raskin (@RepRaskin) August 3, 2019
Sending love & solidarity to the magnificent people of El Paso. I just returned to MD from El Paso where 25 Reps went to see what’s happening at the border w/ @RepEscobar & how her community has mobilized to help people. I can see they’re doing the same after this nightmare. https://t.co/sA0M9pwAnq
— Rep. Jamie Raskin (@RepRaskin) August 3, 2019
And tweets from Rep. David Trone and Rep. John Sarbanes:
In wake of the recent tragedies in Gilroy, El Paso, and Dayton, we must come together to mourn the loss of the victims and to demand change. Please join us in Frederick County this evening for this important event.https://t.co/T8EY6VcgBb
— Rep. David Trone (@RepDavidTrone) August 5, 2019
Yet another mass shooting in America just a few hours after the last. My heart breaks for Dayton and for the families who will feel the effects of gun violence in the future due to the cowardly inaction of our Congress and President. We must raise our voices. Enough is enough.
— Rep. David Trone (@RepDavidTrone) August 4, 2019
For those who grieve in Dayton, El Paso, Gilroy and so many other communities in our country, we must deliver actions not words. Fight hate and racism. Ban weapons of war.
— Rep. John Sarbanes (@RepSarbanes) August 4, 2019
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