Local Leaders Respond to Congressional Baseball Shooting

Following the shooting at a congressional baseball field in Alexandria, Virginia that left House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-Louisiana) and a few others injured, local and state-elected officials responded on Twitter.

Staff in Scalise’s office released the following statement following the shooting on the House Majority Whip’s Website: 

“This morning, at a practice for the Congressional Baseball Game, Whip Scalise was shot in the hip. He was transported to MedStar Washington Hospital Center, where he is currently undergoing surgery. He is in stable condition.

“Prior to entering surgery, the Whip was in good spirits and spoke to his wife by phone. He is grateful for the brave actions of U.S. Capitol Police, first responders, and colleagues.

“We ask that you keep the Whip and others harmed in this incident in your thoughts and prayers.

“This office will release additional information regarding the Whip’s condition as appropriate.”

According to an update on House Majority Whip website, Scalise remains in critical condition.

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Mitti Hicks

About Mitti Hicks

Mitti Hicks is a multimedia journalist and community engagement specialist with Montgomery Community Media. She is passionate about telling stories that impact our community and may be reached at MHicks@mymcmedia.org and on Twitter @mittimegan.


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