Leventhal Talks ADA Anniversary (VIDEO)

The Americans with Disabilities Act is turning 25. In this MyMCMedia Extra, Montgomery County Council President George Leventhal said he believes the county has “accomplished a great deal.

“Ride on bus fleet is largely accessible. Just last week, we added fifty taxi cab licenses for disabled accessible vans,” Leventhal said.

According to a news release, this legislation has helped more than 56 million American living with disability.

Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett announced on July 25 that the county’s nine-year Bus Stop Improvement Program has enhanced accessibility and pedestrian safety at 3,025 bus stops.

Leggett said that promoting mass transit and maintaining an inclusive community it’s the county’s highest priority.

“It is essential that we find a way for our residents to move around the County without a car. At the same time, we must make sure that mass transit is available to everyone, which is why we have made such strides in converting our bus stops so that they can be used by those with disabilities as well as those without,” Leggett said.

To find out more about the Bus Stop Improvement Program, click here.

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Aline Barros

About Aline Barros

Aline Barros is a multimedia reporter and community engagement specialist with Montgomery Community Media. She can be reached at Abarros@mymcmedia.org and on Twitter at @AlineBarros2.


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