Let’s Go To Charlotte

I’m putting my money where my mouth has been for many years.  After watching conventions on television since 1960 I’m going to see one up close and personal and be a participant in the event.  I’m fortunate. I’m excited.  I’m pumped. I’m FIRED UP and READY TO GO!  I’m a Democrat.  Even though the outcome of this convention is quite certain, after sort of watching the GOP action in Tampa, especially on Thursday night, you never know for sure what might happen. After all, this isn’t the convention of an organized party; it’s the Democratic Party Convention.  Maybe the real Bob Newhart will show up with an empty chair.

In the April Primary I was elected as a pledged Obama Delegate in the newly configured Congressional District 6.  I get to be an Alternate Delegate, and I’m told that’s an important responsibility.  Here’s my Charter from the State of Maryland.

I’ll be sharing my travel experiences and observations as a Delegate and of the convention activities, the participants, political and media personalities I encounter, and of Charlotte, North Carolina.  I’ll try not to be an obnoxious name dropper….but the Maryland Delegation features some prominent figures who’ve been getting lots of national media exposure, starting with O’Malley, Cardin, Mikulski, Van Hollen, Hoyer, Edwards and many more.  It’s always nice when they greet you by your first name.  Hope to have personal encounters with POTUS, FLOTUS, the VEEP and other notables.  Some readers may be familiar with my Facebook posts and a very small number may be following my tweets. Humor, sarcasm and irony will be evident but I will try to refrain from cynicism.  It’s still about HOPE after all.   I’ll continue to post to Facebook and tweet as well as blog from these seats in the Time Warner Cable Arena.  Governor O’Malley tweeted the photo Friday. This location should generate some interesting comments.

I’ll admit to being a wide-eyed novice going into this and looking forward to all of it.  For the past few weeks invitations to caucus meetings and receptions have been showing up in the inbox.  There’s lots of activities and not enough time.  Experienced political conventioneers have provided thoughtful advice about how to pace oneself during the 5 days of in your face political action.  So I’ll balance that advice along with my energy level to try to gather in as much as I can and share it on these pages, along with photos.

Now, back to packing.  We’ll be hitting the road for Charlotte soon.

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Michael Sesma

About Michael Sesma

Michael A. Sesma is a Neuroscientist, Educator, Federal Health Scientist Administrator, and Elected Municipal Official. He is a Maryland Alternate Delegate to the Democratic National Convention. Elected to Gaithersburg City Council in 2005 and re-elected in 2009, Sesma is the first Hispanic and minority elected to the Council in city history.


3 Responses to “Let’s Go To Charlotte”

  1. On September 1, 2012 at 6:47 pm responded with... #

    Have a great time in Charlotte, NC! I can’t wait to read all about it.

  2. On September 3, 2012 at 8:08 am responded with... #

    Interesting, Mike. We look forward to hearing your perspectives from the floor.


  1. Gaithersburg's Sesma Visits Democratic National Convention - Maryland News Feed | Maryland News Feed - September 6, 2012

    […] Upon his departure, Sesma said, “After watching conventions on television since 1960, I’m going to see one up close and personal and be a participant in the event. I’m fortunate. I’m excited. I’m pumped.” […]

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