Leggett’s Recommended $5.3 Billion Operating Budget Includes a Property Tax Hike (VIDEO)
Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett unveiled his proposed fiscal year 2017 operating budget today, and it includes a property tax hike. Leggett said the additional funding is needed for Montgomery County Public Schools and because of the Wynne court case, which, he said, may cost the county up to $50 million in the coming year.
Find out more by watching Leggett’s news conference, below:
The recommended $5.3 billion operating budget increases spending for public schools by almost $136 million. This is $90 million over the state required funding amount known as Maintenance of Effort.
The Montgomery County Council is scheduled to hold public hearings on the Executive’s recommended budget on April 5 – 7. For more information, visit the Council’s website here.
You can find reaction to Leggett’s proposed operating budget below:
BOE President Durso Says Leggett's Budget is "Good News" (VIDEO)

Montgomery County Board of Education President Michael Durso characterized County Executive Ike Leggett’s recommended operating budget as a step in the right direction for the public schools and the county as well. Find out more in the this MyMCMedia Extra video: County Executive Leggett stressed the importance of our public schools during his March 15th […]
Leventhal Wants to Make Sure Government Helps Those Who Need It Most (VIDEO)

When it comes to budget decisions, County Councilmember George Leventhal said he is primarily committed to making sure local government helps those who need it the most. Find out more in this MyMCMedia Extra video:
Pollard Says Montgomery College is Critical to Montgomery County (VIDEO)

Montgomery College President DeRionne Pollard says the college is critical to Montgomery County. Find out more in this MyMCMedia Extra video: Pollard’s remarks followed the presentation of County Executive Ike Leggett’s recommended operating budget for fiscal year 2017. An affordable, high quality, locally provided college education is vital to the Montgomery County of tomorrow. https://t.co/ePDXzz6w6e […]
Councilmember Sidney Katz on Leggett's Recommended Budget (VIDEO)

Montgomery County Councilmember Sidney Katz said he has always believed that raising taxes is a last resort. But that doesn’t mean he won’t support County Executive Ike Leggett’s recommended $5.3 billion operating budget, which includes a property tax hike. Find out more in this MyMCMedia Extra video: Katz said that budget decisions are some of […]
MCPS Interim Superintendent Larry Bowers on the Budget (VIDEO)

In this MyMCMedia Extra video, MCPS Interim Superintendent Larry Bowers notes that county funding for the public schools has not been above the minimum state required amount since 2009.
Dr. DeRionne Pollard on Leggett's Budget and Impact on Montgomery College (VIDEO)

Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett released his recommended FY 2017 operating budget on March 15, and when it comes to Montgomery College his funding recommendations include $2 million in new county support compared with the College’s request of $10 million. In this MyMCMedia Extra video, Montgomery College President DeRionne Pollard said she’s grateful for the […]
Police Chief Says Leggett's Budget Could Result in Decline in Crime (VIDEO)

Montgomery County Police Chief Tom Manger is voicing his support for County Executive Ike Leggett’s recommended FY 2017 budget. Find out more in this MyMCMedia Extra video:
Leventhal on Property Tax Hike (VIDEO)

Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett released his recommended FY17 operating budget today, and it includes a property tax hike. In this MyMCMedia Extra video, Councilmember George Leventhal shares his thoughts on the proposed tax increase:
Council President Floreen on Executive Leggett's Recommended Budget (VIDEO)

Montgomery County Council President Nancy Floreen describes Executive Isiah Leggett’s recommended fiscal year 2017 operating budget, which includes a property tax hike, as “pretty aggressive.” Find out more in this MyMCMedia Extra video: Floreen is also encouraging residents to provide input about the proposed budget by sending an email or speaking up at a public […]
MCPS Interim Superintendent Larry Bowers on Leggett's Recommended Operating Budget (VIDEO)

Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett unveiled his recommended operating $5.3 billion budget on March 15th. The proposed budget increases spending on Montgomery County Public Schools by almost $136 million. In this MyMCMedia Extra video, below, MCPS Interim Superintendent Larry Bowers shares his reaction: Montgomery County Board of Education President Michael Durso and Interim Superintendent of […]
Montgomery County has enjoyed significant windfalls from new revenue sources – Casino gambling and traffic cameras. And yet Leggett is not done reaching into our pockets. Why? How has this revenue spent? Seems like it was mismanaged.
VLT Gaming Revenue – Total
February 2016 Calendar YTD 2016 Fiscal YTD 2016
Gross Terminal Revenue $60,802,403.43 $115,604,464.59 $487,160,450.24
Education Trust Fund $26,432,479.21 $50,237,843.48 $211,459,586.03
The county made $16.6 million in fines from cameras scattered across its roads, according to the annual report from the state’s comptroller’s office that highlighted revenues reported in fiscal year 2014.