Leggett Releases Statement on Silver Spring Transit Center Report
Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett has released the following statement about a recent report by an independent advisory committee regarding the Silver Spring Transit Center:
“I have received the report by Norman Augustine and his associates reviewing timelines, costs, and methods involving the Silver Spring Transit Center. I very much appreciate their pro bono work.
“The Augustine report, agreeing with the KCE engineering team, believes remediation on possible beams and torsion issues should be done now. KCE has stated that this is a long-term maintenance issue, not a question of safety. The Augustine report also urges that possible safety issues be mitigated by a rigorous program of inspection and maintenance.
“Parsons Brinckerhoff, the Project’s engineer-of-record, believes strongly that no remediation on beams and torsion is necessary and, in fact, that such remediation would be harmful to the structure. WMATA, the County’s customer – for whom we are building the facility, has also expressed — in writing — concerns about damage to the structure from doing the remediation.
“The County is involved in discussions with Parsons Brinckerhoff and WMATA concerning a binding financial guarantee from Parsons Brinckerhoff to cover any possible future beam and torsion issues that might occur, plus a rigorous inspection and maintenance program that would mitigate concerns raised by KCE and by Augustine.
“As the weather improves, and the consistently warmer temperatures needed to pour the concrete overlay approach, the County remains committed, first, to turning over to WMATA a safe and durable facility and to ensure that any additional Transit Center costs caused by faulty workmanship, design or inspection are paid by the private parties responsible – not by the County taxpayers.”
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