Leggett: Budgetary Concerns Could Mean Lapse in Filling Two County Positions
Montgomery County has lost its innovation officer and its cable administrator in recent months, and County Executive Ike Leggett said budget issues could prevent the positions from being filled quickly.
Dan Hoffman, who had been the county’s first innovation officer since 2012, left the county June 16 to become an assistant city manager for Gainesville, Florida. The position is responsible for creating and maintaining strategies and programs that generate innovative ideas.
Phil Roter’s last day was Sept. 1. He had served as the county’s cable administrator in the Department of Technology Services for the past three years.
Hoffman made $146,732.73 and Roter made $156,525, according to county online records.
Leggett said he hopes to fill both positions before he leaves office in 15 months. But the county has some “budgetary concerns” which could mean a lapse before the positions are filled.
“I’m concerned about filling positions too soon before we have a good analysis one what the long-term implications are,” Leggett said.
Listen to what he says in this MyMCMedia Extra:
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