“Learning By Doing”
This past Monday, Montgomery Community Media hosted its 22nd Non-Profit Organization day. This was a moderately sized event to coordinate, at least in my little experience. Now I probably wasn’t extremely pivotal to the event’s success, but I was involved enough that I felt accomplished after it was finished. Seeing everything come together in the end made me reflect on all of the other things I’ve done so far here at MCM (hence the “learn by doing” blog post).
Before I arrived here I didn’t have any expectations. I didn’t have any business experience, so I had no clue what marketing would entail. I didn’t even know what being an intern would entail. Then I got here and within the first five minutes I’m in a brainstorming meeting about MCM’s presence at the Ag Fair (Naturally, I didn’t speak much and was promptly called out for it.) Since then, I’ve been to a few more meetings, including one board meeting of a completely different organization.
I also helped write a press release, and sent it to TV News channels and radio stations to get out a story about MCM’s Digital Video Summer Camp. Speaking of which, you all should check it out here https://archive.mymcmedia.org/class/summer-video-camp-for-youth/ . Last, but certainly not least, I created a LinkedIn profile in order to start building connections for the future. Speaking of which, you can look at that here, http://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenfitzwilliam . Sorry for the shameless plugs, but I am a marketing major after all.
This summer I’m also an assistant swim coach for the Whetstone Whales, and it might be the chlorine getting to me, but this lesson reminds me of the kids at my morning practices. Every morning, the kids complain about how cold the pool is going to be and it usually takes them ten minutes to actually get in and start swimming. However, talking about how cold the pool is never helps, you just have to jump in and experience it for yourself.
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