Large Power Outage Hits Residents and Businesses in Silver Spring and Chevy Chase

Pepco power pole for slider 450 x 280Two power outages- on July 19 and 22- hit 2,000 residents in Chevy Chase and Silver Spring area.

Pepco Spokesperson Bob Hainey said the first power outage was caused by a downed tree limb while the second incident was caused by a crew cutting grass near Metro’s Grosvenor station. The crew hit a wire, which caused the power line to become suspended over the rail tracks and eventually it was hit by a train.

Zena Polin, the owner of the Daily Dish, a restaurant in downtown Silver Spring, said it was frustrating trying to get a response from Pepco.

“You called the outage [number], you’re lucky if you get through it. You just don’t know what’s going on. … We are a small business and face a lot of challenges. … I had products to worry about; waiters who were not getting their tips. It’s worse to have this happening in the summer than winter,” Polin said.

Hainey said power was restored in the area around 2 p.m.

Meanwhile, Polin hopes that Pepco becomes “more proactive” when it comes to communicating what is going on in the community.

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Aline Barros

About Aline Barros

Aline Barros is a multimedia reporter and community engagement specialist with Montgomery Community Media. She can be reached at and on Twitter at @AlineBarros2.


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