White Ground Road Bridge, Montgomery County, Maryland, has reopened.

Keep Montgomery Beautiful Contests

Montgomery County’s Department of Transportation is again sponsoring their annual “Keep Montgomery Beautiful Awards.” Nomination forms are due June 22.

21st Annual Amateur Photography Contest – The purpose of the 21st Annual Amateur Photography Contest is to provide the residents of Montgomery County with an opportunity to capture the beauty of Montgomery County through photography. Subject categories include Montgomery County by day or by night, county landmarks, people, and persons at work. There is also an optional youth category for those ages 18 and younger who wish to be judged only against their peers.

For details and info on previous winners, visit: Amateur Photography Contest

26th Annual Montgomery County Landscaping Contest – Any person or group maintaining commercial, public or community property in the Montgomery County is eligible. This includes community groups, businesses, public institutions and other organizations undertaking landscaping projects that enhance the appearance of non-residential properties and commonly owned sections of commercial properties.
Landscaping along County roadsides, medians, or other public locations are also eligible for an award. If you have driven past a grocery store, shopping center, gas station, County roadside or median strip, or an entrance into a shopping center, school, neighborhood or Library, Senior Center or other public institution and admired their beautiful landscaping and colorful plantings, you can submit a nomination!

For details and info on previous winners, visit: http://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/dirtmpl.asp?url=/content/DOT/Dir/Landscape.asp

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