It’s the Big Cheese at the Montgomery County Agricultural Fair (VIDEO)

At most county fairs, you will most likely find your share of fried Oreos, funnel cakes and candy apples…but cheese?  Who knew that folks would be lining up for cheddar cheese?   The Big Cheese stand is by far one of the most popular food stops at the Montgomery County Agricultural Fair where grilled cheese sandwiches are made by the thousands.   More than a ton of cheese is trucked in from farms in Wisconsin and Maryland and all of it is sold with nachos, as cheese slices with fruit and of course the most popular grilled cheese sandwich.  See the video below and you’ll see that Ed Hogan is called “The Big Cheese” for good reason.

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Cindy Peña

About Cindy Peña

Cindy is a freelance multi-media journalist with MCM and grew up in Montgomery County.


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