Interim Superintendent Larry Bowers Recommends FY 2017 Budget (VIDEO & PHOTOS)

LarryBowers_FY2017Montgomery County Public Schools Interim Superintendent Larry Bowers presented his recommended Fiscal Year 2017 Operating Budget to the Board of Education on Dec. 8th. Bowers recommends a total of $2.4 billion for FY 2017. Bowers calls for a budget increase of 4.5 percent in new spending to help maintain the school system and its goals including closing the achievement gap.

In this MyMCMedia Extra video, Bowers, who plans to retire in June 2016 after serving MCPS for 38 years,  says serving as Interim Superintendent allowed him to push for more in the budget plan.

“This budget solidifies our foundation and prepares MCPS to make investments in future years to address the growing needs of our students,” Bowers said. “I recognize that the economic times are still challenging but we cannot cut our budget any further and, in fact, we have to begin investing again if we are going to give our students the education they deserve,” he said.

Bowers also noted in his comments that MCPS has been funded at or below the minimum funding level required by law since 2009. This is known as Maintenance of Effort. “Maintenance of Effort means a disinvestment in education, and our children cannot afford that,” Bowers said.

The recommended budget also focused on funding six Strategic Priority Focus Areas with $2.8 million. The focus areas include:

  1. Equity and Cultural Proficiency
  2. Literacy and Mathematics
  3. Career Readiness
  4. Partnerships and Engagement
  5. Accountability and Results
  6. Human Capital Management

Interim Superintendent Bowers presentation is just one factor the Board of Education is taking into consideration regarding the operating budget. The Board will be taking public feedback on the budget recommendation at two public hearings scheduled for January 7, 2016 and January 14, 2016 at the Carver Educational Services auditorium. The Board is set to adopt the budget on February 9, 2016 and submit it to the County Executive and the Council to deliberate.


Bowers on Recommended MCPS FY17 Budget Cuts (VIDEO)

Larry Bowers

Interim Superintendent Larry Bowers presented his recommended Fiscal Year 2017 Operating Budget Dec. 8th. In this MyMCMedia Extra video, Bowers comments on recommended budget cuts. Related:

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Interim Superintendent Larry Bowers Recommends FY 2017 Budget (VIDEO & PHOTOS)


Montgomery County Public Schools Interim Superintendent Larry Bowers presented his recommended Fiscal Year 2017 Operating Budget to the Board of Education on Dec. 8th. Bowers recommends a total of $2.4 billion for FY 2017. Bowers calls for a budget increase of 4.5 percent in new spending to help maintain the school system and its goals including […]

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Maureen Chowdhury

About Maureen Chowdhury

Maureen Chowdhury is a multimedia journalist with Montgomery Community Media. She can be reached at and on Twitter at @MediaMaureen. Maureen authors the blog Sound Check on MyMCMedia.


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