photo of Ingleside at King Farm CCRC

‘I Voted’ by Lois Albertine

Reprinted with permission from the Ingleside Insider weekly newsletter for residents of Ingleside at King Farm, dated November 2.

“We have seen this symbol many times over the years and are proud that we did have an opportunity to participate in this right. It’s a great pleasure and honor to be able to vote in our free country.

Penthouse Activities Director Howlyn Cowlan was able to contact the Montgomery County Board of Elections for Congressional District 8 and ask them if we could have a team of poll watchers and officials come to the 7th floor at Ingleside so we could vote. She explained many of us were non-ambulatory, needed assistance to get to the polls or needed help in interpreting the ballot. They told her “Yes, we will come,” and they did.

A room was set up on the floor and converted into a polling place. Maintenance set up tables and chairs, and the volunteers and aides assisted by bringing registered voters to the room to vote.

It was a great American Experience, and the smiles on the faces of our friends told everything as they attached their “I VOTED” stickers on their shirts, blouses or sweaters.

Thank you Howlyn, poll watchers, and volunteers.”

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