Hunger Amid Abundance

Hunger Amid Abundance


Manna Food Center, together with the City of Gaithersburg and Maryland Hunger Solutions, is gathering our colleagues and concerned citizens for a symposium on hunger in the county. The symposium, Hunger Amid Abundance: 30 Years of Service,will focus on hunger in Montgomery County and highlighting the partnerships that make Manna so successful in fighting hunger and feeding hope. This year, Manna celebrates 30 years of working towards hunger relief, and we plan on continuing the fight until everyone can afford to feed their families.


The symposium will take place at Bohrer Park in Gaithersburg on March 22 from 8:30 a.m. 0 Noon. Join us by registering now! Registration is limited to 75 people, so sign up early (the event is free!). Help us continue to fight hunger and feed hope by contributing your ideas to this important symposium. We will have more information on the registration page detailing our incredible speakers and panels soon.













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Jenna Umbriac

About Jenna Umbriac

Jenna Umbriac is Manna's dietitian. Since 1983, Manna has been feeding Montgomery County’s food insecure residents. In our 30 years of service Manna has served nearly 3 million people, 668,527 households, and distributed 45 million pounds of food. As the designated food bank for Montgomery County we are the main resource people turn to when they find themselves in need of food assistance. Manna delivers emergency food assistance through its three main programs: Food for Families, Smart Sacks, and Agency Food Distribution.


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