Hucker Hosts Forum with Local Businesses and Dept. of Liquor Control
Montgomery County Councilmember Tom Hucker met with about two dozen people involved in the liquor industry Wednesday in an effort to hear their opinions on the review of the County’s Department of Liquor Control.
Since February, the Council’s Ad Hoc Committee on Liquor Control has been holding worksessions to look at five options presented in an Office of Legislative Oversight (OLO) report on the County’s Department of Liquor Control (DLC). The OLO report studied the current system that controls liquor distribution to County-operated retail alcohol stores, to private beer and wine stores and to restaurants.
The Ad Hoc Committee has heard from George Griffin, director of the Department of Liquor Control; restaurant owners; owners of private beer and wine stores; and representatives of the alcohol industry. However, Hucker, who is not a member of the Ad Hoc Committee, held this meeting in his district to ensure all opinions are considered before any recommendations are made, according to a release from the county.
The meeting was held at McGinty’s Public House in Silver Spring with about 25 owners and representatives of businesses that rely on the services of DLC. Their discussion touched on topics such as ordering alcohol products from DLC, how their stores and restaurants operate and potential changes they would like to see in DLC, according to the news release.
“I am committed to facilitating open and constructive conversations between residents, businesses and County Government. The Department of Liquor Control and other County agencies provide important services and have to constantly be focused on how to serve the public better and more efficiently,” Hucker said in the release. “As the Council considers options to improve operations at the DLC and reform our liquor laws, it is imperative that we move forward in in an open and transparent manner and prioritize solutions. I greatly value the thoughts and ideas that were shared with me today from District 5 businesses, and I will continue to actively seek input from the community.”
The OLO report was released on Feb. 10. The entire report can be viewed at: http://tinyurl.com/od82zd8 .
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