House Fire in Cabin John Displaces Residents and Pets (PHOTO)
Montgomery County firefighters are investigating what sparked a house fire at 9109 McDonald Drive in Cabin John on Tuesday morning.
Fire and Rescue Spokesperson Pete Piringer said over 50 firefighters responded to the blaze that began on the first floor of a bedroom.
According to Piringer, there is major damage to the home and two adults and several pets have been displaced.
(915) 9109 McDonald Dr, Cabin John, rancher style house, fire on 1st floor bedroom, with some extension, occupants are out
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) May 5, 2015
U/D McDonald Dr, bulk of fire on 1st floor is knocked, FFs checking extension, house is cluttered, occupants out, no inj , >50 FFs on scene
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) May 5, 2015
McDonald Dr, Bethesda, #mcfrs FFs rescued 2 cats, 1 unaccounted; smoke alarm alerted 2 occupants, they got out pic.twitter.com/oXGwSpaAMY
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) May 5, 2015
More..McDonald Dr, 2 adults & several pets displaced, major damage, fire originated on 1st floor, >50FFs on scene pic.twitter.com/OR4QCz5B2v
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) May 5, 2015
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