Ten Mile Creek image from Clarksburg, MD

Hot Topic: Clarksburg Development (Video)

Montgomery County Council President Roger Berliner reports that his offices have received over 600 emails from residents concerned about the impact of development in Clarksburg on Ten Mile Creek.

As part of an online petition, residents are urging county leaders to amend the Clarksburg Master Plan.

“I urge you to act to make Clarksburg Town Center a more walkable, vibrant place and to protect Ten Mile Creek in the process, since it is our county’s best creek and a backup drinking water supply for three million people in the region,” writes one citizen in an email dated Sept 25 to the Montgomery County Council. “Both can be accomplished with an amendment to the Clarksburg Master Plan.”

Berliner said the County Council will be discussing this hot topic on  Oct. 9.

For more information about the “Save Ten Mile” creek online petition, click here.

You can also watch a video from the website here where residents are urged to contact Berliner directly:


The Audubon Naturalist Society (ANS) will have a booth with info on Ten Mile Creek at Oktoberfest on Sat., Oct 6 at High Point Farm in Clarksburg.


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