Homeless to Hopeful Fashion Show Set for Oct. 26 (VIDEO)
Save the date! Montgomery County Council Vice President George Leventhal tells us about the upcoming Homeless to Hopeful fashion show and fundraiser set for Oct. 26 in Silver Spring and he explains why it is so important for Montgomery County’s homeless population.
Hispanic activist Marta Bohorquez is one of the main organizers of the event that takes place on October 26 from 4 – 6 p.m. to help raise awareness and funds for people experiencing homelessness in Montgomery County.
“After getting to know some of the people experiencing homelessness in Montgomery County and watching a video about the transformation of a homeless veteran, I felt the call to organize an event where we could bring the community together and do something meaningful about one of the most vulnerable groups we have,” said Bohorquez. “I also wanted to show that we are all the same and that anyone can go through an experience like this, so we should help each other.”
For more information about this event: https://samaritans4homeless.splashthat.com/.
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