What’s Open and What’s Not on MLK Day in Montgomery County

mlkHere’s a look of what’s open and what’s not in Montgomery County on Jan. 16, which is also Martin Luther King, Jr. Day:

County Offices – closed.

Libraries – closed.

County Liquor stores – all stores will be open 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Recreation – aquatics programs and facilities open; all other classes and programs canceled; Administrative office, senior centers and community centers closed.

Montgomery Parks – Click here for operating schedule, including Brookside Gardens, ice rinks, tennis centers, trains and carousels.

Ride On – will run a special Holiday Schedule. Click here for route numbers and timetable for each route.

Metrorail – Information available at www.wmata.com.

Metrobus – Information available at www.wmata.com.

TRiPS Commuter Stores (Silver Spring and Friendship Heights) – closed.

Refuse/recycling pickup – no collection on Monday. Trash will be collected on a sliding schedule for the week, which means all collections will be made one day later that week, last collection day is Saturday. Trash should be curbside by 7 a.m. on scheduled pick-up day.

The Shady Grove Processing Facility and Transfer Station – closed.

Parking at public garages, lots, curbside meters – free.

MCPS Schools and Administrative Offices – closed.

State offices and courts – closed.

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