Helping Neighbors at a Social Distance: Nonprofits That Need Your Help

While millions are struggling to survive the coronavirus crisis, area non-profits, life-lines for many, are struggling to stay alive as well. Now, as national resources dwindle, these local charities are needed now more than ever. Throughout this crisis, will list local non-profit organizations and their increasing need for your support, because even at a distance, neighbors can help neighbors.


Holy Cross Health

The Hospital is accepting monetary donations as well as new and unused Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), medical equipment, cleaning supplies, food and self-care items. For more detail about requirements for these donations, contact Sarah Walker by phone at 301-754-7306 or by email at


National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI)

NAMI needs volunteers who have been personally impacted by mental illness to act as virtual caregivers for others.

Spanish speaking volunteers are also needed to be presenters for virtual Latinx mental health presentations, teachers of our mental health classes, and facilitators for family support groups and adults living with mental illness. For more information, visit


Adventist HealthCare

This hospital is accepting monetary donations, along with new and unused sanitizers, goggles, full face shields, isolation gowns and other equipment. Adventist has also opened a drive-up and drop-off location in Germantown to accept donations of requested materials. For more information on needed items or to donate money,  go to


MedStar Health

This medical center is accepting monetary stock, and mutual fund donations by mail, FedEx and UPS with the MedStar location and purpose designated. New, unopened medical supplies such as hand sanitizer, bleach wipes, exam gloves, N95 masks and other supplies are needed. For more information, call 410-772-6747,  or go to


Adventure Theatre MTC

Financial donations to this childrens’ theatre and school will support actors, artists and academy staff by helping to replace lost wages, cancelled musicals and postponed courses. The Glen Echo theatre will remain dark for the foreseeable future. With support from the community, the Adventure Theatre plans to expand its offerings to include online performances and distance learning, continuing to support teaching artists, staff, and performers across the DMV.

Support Adventure Theatre, visit


Future Link

About 40 percent of the economically disadvantaged, first-generation college students served by this non-profit lost their jobs when the coronavirus public health emergency struck. The percentage of joblessness among the students, and the people with whom they live, is growing. FutureLink is accepting monetary donations to cover food, rent assistance, laptops, household goods and supplies to help their students continue learning during this crisis. To donate to their student emergency fund, go to


Are you a nonprofit organization in Montgomery County in need of support. Please reach out if you would like your organization added to this list. Email to

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