Helping Ibra (PHOTOS & VIDEO)
The Montgomery County Council recognized the students and staff at Watkins Mill High School for raising thousands of dollars to make a difference for one of their own.
In the photo to the right, Watkins Mill High School student Brandon Rodriguez gets the attention of fellow student Ibrahim “Ibra” Samia as he describes how members of the school’s Learning for Independence program raised money so Ibra could be provided with a better-fitting wheelchair.
Their plan to raise $8,000 actually raised more than $32,000 and will allow Ibra to have a power-driven chair that will provide more independence for his years beyond high school.
The Council honored the students for their efforts on Oct. 7.
A video was posted online during the fundraising effort as well:
At the ceremonies in Rockville were, from left, below: Principal Carol Goddard, teacher Matthew Johnson, Councilmember Craig Rice and student Clarence McNeary.
@WatkinsMillHS WE DID ITI Thank you all! Great work. Independence, here Ibra comes! #watkinsmill #chair4ibra pic.twitter.com/RVFn1Rl2Fr
— Matt Johnson (@MrJohnson1217) September 16, 2015
HELPING IBRA – Watkins Mill HS Students Clarence McNear & Brandon Rodriguez Share Their Story #chair4Ibra pic.twitter.com/ktM49F1cD9 — Craig Rice (@RicePolitics) October 7, 2015
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