Committee for Montgomery Legislative Breakfast (Photos)


A look at the crowd at the Committee for Montgomery legislative breakfast. See more photos below.

The Committee for Montgomery Legislative Breakfast featured the first Maryland Gubernatorial Election Forum on Dec. 16 at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center.

A crowd of 600-plus elected officials, government and business representatives, and community leaders from throughout Montgomery County and the State of Maryland were on hand for the Committee for Montgomery’s annual legislative breakfast.

The virtual “who’s who” of Montgomery County and Maryland elected officials, and community leaders, the breakfast traditionally kicks off local advocacy efforts for the upcoming Maryland General Assembly session and provides a platform for the Committee to announce its top priorities for the legislative session.

With State and County elections approaching in 2014, the Committee for Montgomery made the decision to have this year’s annual legislative breakfast serve as one of the first Maryland gubernatorial candidate forums of the election season. All of the Democratic and Republican candidates were invited and participants included Democrats Anthony Brown, Doug Gansler and Heather Mizeur; and Republicans David Craig, Ron George and Charles Lollar.

The Committee for Montgomery is a coalition of leaders representing a broad cross-section of Montgomery County business, labor, education, civic and community-based organizations. Its mission is to advocate in Annapolis on issues of importance to Montgomery County.

As part of the annual legislative breakfast, Committee for Montgomery Chair Carla Satinsky briefly outlined the committee’s legislative priorities for the 2014 Maryland General Assembly, and both County Executive Isiah Leggett and County Council President Craig Rice addressed the crowd.

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