Grizzly Bears Make Their Debut At the Montgomery County Fair (Video)
At the Montgomery County Agricultural Fair in Gaithersburg, you can watch bees making honey and now you can see bears as well.
New to the fair is A Grizzly Experience from southwest Florida, where two Alaskan grizzly bears wrestle and roll around together in a caged area on the fairgrounds.
A Grizzly Experience is a private organization that has three grizzly bears that animal trainer Dexter Osborn said were rescued from a facility that could no longer care for them. The two with him at the Montgomery Fair are Yogi, 3 and Tonk, 9. Tonk weighs 650 pounds and Yogi weighs about 300 pounds.
Osborn said he brings them to local fairs to teach the public about bear safety.
Osborn talks about his bear in this MyMCMedia extra.
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