Graduation Rates for MCPS Class of 2019 Show Increase
Montgomery County Public Schools has announced an increase in their graduation rate for the Class of 2019.
The student rate rose from 88.4% to 88.7%, according to data from the Maryland State Department of Education. The new data places MCPS’s graduation rate above the state average of 87.7%.
In addition, the rate for students graduating with Limited English Proficiency rose 6.3% in the Class of 2019. Almost 300 more LEP students graduated in 2019 versus 2018.
“We are pleased to see our graduation rate on the rise. Nearly all of our student groups showed an increase in both the percentage graduating and the actual number of students graduating,” said Superintendent Jack Smith. “While disparities between student group outcomes persist, we have and will continue to remove barriers to access and opportunity so that all students reach their full potential.”
The graduation rate for Hispanic/Latino students increased to 76.1%, which was a 0.3 percentage point increase from last year. Furthermore, the graduation rate for Black or African American students rose to 89.7%, a 0.2 percentage point increase from last year, according to MSDE.
“While we have made progress in our efforts to close achievement gaps, there is more work to be done to ensure all students are learning, growing and meeting their full potential,” Dr. Smith added.
The highest graduation rates for the Class of 2019 were at Poolesville High School, 99.0%, Thomas S. Wootton High School, 96.9%, Winston Churchill High School, 96.8%, and Walter Johnson High School, 95.6%, according to MSDE.
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