photo of Gov. Martin O'Malley

Gov. O’Malley on the Passing of Maya Angelou

Governor O’Malley issued the following statement today, upon learning of the passing of legendary literary icon, Dr. Maya Angelou:

“Maya Angelou’s poem, “When Great Trees Fall,” ends this way: “And when great souls die, / after a period peace blooms, / slowly and always / irregularly.  Spaces fill / with a kind of / soothing electric vibration. / Our senses, restored, never / to be the same, whisper to us. / They existed.  They existed. / We can be.  Be and be / better.  For they existed.”

“The passing of Dr. Angelou is the death of a truly Great Soul. To appropriately honor her passing requires our gratitude for the divine poetry and prose she delivered into our world, and our simple striving, in the echoes of her electric whisper, to be better, kinder, and more loving.”

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