Governor Martin O'Malley picture

Gov. O’Malley on Government Shutdown

Governor Martin O’Malley released the following statement on the federal government shutdown and its impact on Maryland:

“The federal government shutdown that Congressional Republicans forced upon us will needlessly hurt hardworking Maryland moms and dads who are federal employees; harm small and large businesses across Maryland — including health, aerospace, and defense companies; and threaten our State’s budget in a time of economic recovery.”

“In this year’s Maryland budget, we worked with the General Assembly to set aside funds to lessen the impact of sequestration — another needless blow struck by Congress. We have flexibility on how to use these funds, and we’re actively assessing all of our options so that we can minimize the harmful effects of prolonged Congressional recklessness on Maryland families and businesses.”

For an analysis of the shutdown’s economic impact on Maryland by the state’s Department of Budget and Management, visit

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