Glenmont Sector Plan Posted Online

1-Glenmont-vision-graphicThe approved and adopted Glenmont Sector Plan is now available online.

The County Council approved the Sector Plan in November 2013 followed by its adoption by the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission in December 2013.

The Glenmont Sector Plan area covers approximately 711 acres around the Glenmont Metro Station, with a diverse population of 12,582. The planning process was enhanced by the community outreach strategy, which was comprised of public meetings, stakeholder interviews and community visioning workshops. With a focus on encouraging mixed-use development at the Glenmont Shopping Center, the Glenmont Sector Plan takes a fresh look at the opportunities for revitalization and the challenges of transforming the core of Glenmont from an auto-oriented development into a transit-oriented, walkable, mixed-use community.

The Approved and Adopted Sector Plan can be accessed on the Montgomery County Planning Department website along with the history of the planning process.

The Glenmont Sector Plan Design Guidelines are also now available to the public. Design Guidelines, approved by the Planning Board, help implement the recommendations of the Sector Plan. They illustrate how plan recommendations and zoning ordinance requirements can be met in the context of individual sites through best practices for building and site design.

Building upon the work that came out of the Glenmont Sector Plan, the County Department of General Services was successful in their bid for assistance from the Urban Land Institute (ULI)-Council of Government (COG) Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) Program. The twelve-week program will evaluate the challenges of redeveloping the Glenmont Shopping Center and suggest strategies to implement the vision of the Sector Plan.

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